Official Government Website

Waitlist Process and Priority Categories

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) for Waitlist Management and Disability Priority Assignment under Order of Selection:

Below is information based on frequently asked questions regarding the IDVR Waitlist Management process and Disability Priority Assignment under Order of Selection.

OOS requires IDVR to use a waitlist to make sure that all customers who are eligible, but not able to receive services, are served in the most fair way possible. A position on a waitlist is based on a disability priority and date of application.  IDVR will continue to maintain contact with individuals on the waitlist to see if they would like to remain on the waitlist, and to notify them of when they can begin to receive services.

All disability priority categories are closed.  This means that if you apply for VR services and are determined eligible, you will be placed on a waitlist. If you apply to VR and are determined eligible, you will receive a written Certificate of Eligibility. The Certificate of Eligibility will identify what disability category you have been assigned and notify you of your waitlist status.

All disability priority categories are closed.  This means that if you apply for VR services and are determined eligible, you will be placed on a waitlist. If you apply to VR and are determined eligible, you will receive a written Certificate of Eligibility. The Certificate of Eligibility will identify what disability category you have been assigned and notify you of your waitlist status.

You have the right to appeal your disability priority category assignment. You may only appeal your specific priority category, not your placement on a waitlist, or your position on the waitlist. If you would like to appeal your disability priority category, contact your local office to initiate the appeals process.

If you apply for services, you will receive written information on your rights and responsibilities, and a copy of the appeals policy. You may also contact the Client Assistance Program (CAP) for assistance. IDVR provides a CAP brochure to everyone who applies for services, at the time of eligibility determination, and at any time you request one from us.

The amount of time you are on the wait list will depend on Agency resources, your category assignment, and your date of application. IDVR cannot provide specific information on waitlist times for anyone on a waitlist.

There is no set timeline to move customers off the waitlist because this is dependent on available resources. Resource availability changes frequently based on current customers with plans for employment with IDVR’s needs.

Providing your position on the waitlist will not tell you how long you will be on the waitlist. The waitlist has multiple factors that impact when someone can begin receiving services. To avoid providing potentially misleading waitlist information, IDVR will only provide your disability priority category, which categories are open, and your application date.

Under an OOS, federal law requires that individuals with Most Significant Disabilities, are served first. IDVR has three disability priority categories to prioritize who receives VR services when resources are available. The three categories are:

  1. Most Significant Disabilities (MSD)
  2. Individuals with Significant Disabilities (SD)
  3. Individuals with Disabilities (D)

The three disability priority categories are based on the number of functional limitations caused by diagnosed disability/s, the number of anticipated services needed to achieve employment, and the anticipated length of time a customer will need VR services. We notify eligible individuals of their disability priority category in writing when they are determined eligible. Under an OOS, federal law requires that individuals in category one, Most Significant Disabilities, are served first, then category two, Significant Disabilities, and category three Individuals with Disabilities last.

We will notify eligible individuals of their disability priority category in writing when they are determined eligible.

Yes, Order of Selection waitlists are statewide and without regard to your address, disability type, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, source of referral, income level, or cost of necessary services.

IDVR will contact you periodically after being placed on a waitlist to see if you want to remain on the waitlist. Be sure to notify IDVR if your phone number, email address, or mailing address changes so we can contact you while you are on the waitlist.

IDVR will contact you in writing (US mail and/or email) when you can begin receiving services. It is also important that you respond to contact attempts from IDVR. Failure to respond to multiple attempts to reach you via phone calls, email, or mail contact attempts will result in removal from the waitlist and your case being closed.

IDVR can only provide information and referrals to other agencies in the community who can assist you with employment support and services. We will provide this information to you with your eligibility letter.

If you would like to meet with a counselor for more information and to receive a referral to another workforce program, please contact your local office to schedule an Information and Referral service appointment.

IDVR has a has a list of local resources who can provide employment services included on all eligibility letters. You are also welcome to request this resource list from IDVR at any time. Additionally, some information on other workforce programs is also available on our Workforce Resources Page.

When IDVR can begin serving waitlisted customers, the Agency will take customers off the waitlist starting with those with the earliest application date within that disability priority category. When VR contacts you, it is important that you respond as soon as possible.

You can contact any IDVR office for general information about Order of Selection, VR services, and referral information for alternative employment service providers. All Certificates of Eligibility give specific contact information for your local Customer Center if you have a question about your disability priority category or for additional employment related referral information.

ver: 3.5.2a | last updated: