Combined Annual Report SRC NEW

Combined Annual Report 2024

Idaho State Rehabiliation Council & Idaho Division of Vocational Rehabilitation



IDVR is currently in an Order of Selection. For more information, please refer to our Order of Selection information page.

Tim’s Success Story NEW


Tim’s Success Story

Voc Rehab made it possible [to become a teacher]. If I needed help with anything I knew I could go talk to [my VR counselor]

Tim and his Counselor were invited to the White House forum to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 in Washington D.C. The event was held at the U.S. Department of Education.

Tim, VR Customer

Craig’s Success Story NEW

Craig’s Success Story

I love nursing and look forward to many years in the field. I get a chance to show love and compassion to a stranger every shift.

Craig, VR Customer